Title: Suzuki Toga Summer Camp 2022
Afternoon of August 10 (Wed), 2022 Classes begin
Morning of August 25 (Thu), 2022 Classes end
*The SCOT Summer Season will take place from August 26 – 28. Participants can leave Toga after classes end on the 25th, or stay until the 28th to view performances from the SCOT Summer Season.
The program is held in Toga, Toyama, where the company has been based since 1976. The program teaches the basic physicality and ideas of the Suzuki Method of Actor Training, conceived by Tadashi Suzuki and SCOT. The program also includes observation of SCOT training and rehearsals, viewing of Suzuki-related films, and participation in theatre lectures and discussions. Participants will experience Toga’s unique environment for creating theatre during their stay.
Training will be conducted by SCOT members, under the direction of Tadashi Suzuki. The main languages used are English and Japanese.
Tuition for the program is 100,000 JPY, which covers room and board while in Toga. Participants are also responsible for their international air travel to Japan, and domestic transportation to Toga.
If you are willing to commit yourself to an intensive training workshop in Toga, please contact us at to receive an application form. The application deadline is April 30, 2022. We will send acceptance notifications by May 10, 2022.
Please note that members residing in certain countries may not be allowed entry into Japan by August 2022, due to the Japanese government’s border enforcement measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, there may be some members who would have to give up the opportunity to join the program, despite being accepted through the application process. Members from foreign countries that are permitted entry into Japan should expect to undergo special procedures such as PCR tests and quarantine.
Please also note that the Suzuki Toga Summer Camp is designed for actors and directors who wish to learn the training, not for people who plan to teach it.
We thank you for your understanding.
Suzuki Company of Toga